Here’s Why you Need Third Party G Suite Backup

Here’s Why you Need Third Party G Suite Backup

Here’s Why you Need Third Party G Suite Backup Table of Contents Toggle How Google backs up your dataThe Takeout ToolThe Google VaultMy G Suite1. High potential for human error2. Restoring Google data is labour-intensive and not foolproofHard Drive Google Workspace...
5 Reasons you Need to Back up your Office 365 Data

5 Reasons you Need to Back up your Office 365 Data

5 Reasons you Need to Back up your Office 365 Data Does Office 365 back up your data? In short, the answer to this question is yes – but only to an extent. Microsoft will help you recover your data in case something like a natural disaster or a fire, or if you suffer...
5 Reasons to Invest in a Business Reporting Tool

5 Reasons to Invest in a Business Reporting Tool

5 Reasons to Invest in a Business Reporting Tool Table of Contents Toggle What is a reporting tool?Reporting tool benefits1. Easy2. Accessible3. Easily Shared4. Faster5. Guage The ProjectThe potential pitfall of using a reporting toolIs investing in a reporting tool...