3 Reasons You Should Upgrade to Windows 10 Today

With Microsoft ending their support for Windows 7 on January 14, 2020, it’s time to start thinking of an update if you’re still using the 9-year-old operating system.

Here at Jera, we’re big fans of Windows 10 and would recommend updating your operating system to it as soon as possible.

In today’s instalment of our series on Windows 7 end of life, we go over three major improvements that you can expect when upgrading to Windows 10.

Improved speed and performance

This is what you’re most likely to notice first when you upgrade. Windows 10 simply runs smoother than Windows 7.

Powering up your device won’t take as long and launching applications is also much quicker on the newer operating system.

This obviously makes for less tech-related headaches when you’re trying to pull up those important notes or slides during a meeting or starting up your computer on a particularly busy and stressful day.

Another way performance is improved in Windows 10 in comparison with Windows 7 is better power management. If you’re an avid user of your Windows 7 laptop, you’ll be very happy to discover that you can get more work you can get done on the go.

Better usability and tools

A big improvement you can expect when upgrading to Windows 10 is the improved usability.

There are many examples we want to mention here:

    • Microsoft’s addition to the digital assistant market, Cortana, can make your life much easier. It works across all your devices and learns more about you over time, allowing it to make more personalised suggestions to you.
      • Among other things, you can use Cortana to turn off, restart, lock and log out of your device using only your voice.
    •  You can access your files anywhere by connecting all your devices to your computer with a variety of tools. This means that you can easily continue your work while on the go. The Your Phone app syncs photos and text messages across your devices and the Cloud Clipboard tool lets you access copied items from your phone, tablet and computer.
    • The Continue on PC feature lets you pick up where you left off by opening the webpage you’re viewing on your computer. Cloud-based storage in the form of OneDrive and communication in the form of Skype mean that you’re always working with the latest information.
    • You can even log into your computer remotely by using the Remote Desktop feature, which lets you access all of your files even when you can’t get to your physical computer. All of these apps and features help streamline your day and save considerable amounts of time in the long run.
    • Another useful feature that Windows 10-enabled devices have is their touchscreen functionality. Devices that have this feature available bring some of the same intuitive functionality that modern smartphones have to your everyday work on your computer.
    • Finally, Windows 10 supporting multiple desktops means you can reap the benefits of working across multiple monitors even if you only really have the one screen.

More robust IT security

Windows 10 also comes with improved cybersecurity.

This is a given as Windows 7 will no longer offer IT security updates after January 2020 and will become increasingly susceptible to cyber attacks. Still, added features in Windows 10 arguably make it more secure than its older counterpart ever was.

Windows 10 Pro and Enterprise editions offer BitLocker encryption that helps keep your confidential data secure.

Windows Security also offers clear and detailed reports on the health of your device, from your browser and network to ransomware and viruses. These features make sure your organisation stays compliant with cybersecurity regulations like those outlined in the GDPR.

Because Windows 10 lets you connect all your different devices, you can log into your device by using the same biometrics that you’ve come to expect from the latest smartphones, such as fingerprint or voice recognition.

Windows 10 also supports PIN codes. This means that you might have a long and secure password to access your files remotely from anywhere, but when you’re logging onto your computer itself, you can simply type in a short passcode instead.

Which version of Windows 10 is right for me?

The two main versions Microsoft offers for Windows 10 are the Home and the Pro, the latter being better suited for use by small to medium-sized organisations. Both are also available as 32 and 64-bit versions.

Windows 10 Pro comes with useful features such as BitLocker encryption, network domains and group policy management.

Additionally, Microsoft also offers an Enterprise edition of the operating system with added benefits like bulk licensing for larger organisations.

In addition, there are two specialised options available for educational institutions: the Windows 10 Education and Windows 10 Pro Education.

Between these five versions of the operating system, you’re bound to find one that works for your organisation.

If you’re unsure which one is right for you, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our IT business advisors.

Ready to update? Working together with an experienced IT support provider makes sure your organisation’s devices are updated correctly and that your antivirus and firewall are running optimally.

If you’d like to discover the best next steps for your business – give us a call today.