IT Security

Affordable, rapid response business IT security

Cybersecurity issues, data breaches or hacking attempts can cause havoc for businesses, with untold costs, reputational damage and impacts on revenues and profitability while attempting to repair the fallout. Jera’s professional IT security service provides robust protection to defend your digital assets and keep your business moving.

Why you Should Outsource
your IT Security

Core digital risks for UK businesses

The challenge for many organisations is that cyber criminals develop new techniques quickly – which means an outdated security strategy will soon become redundant. We work with businesses across the sectors to help them stay ahead of any emerging threats, now and in the future cyber safety landscape.

Begin the journey to IT confidence

Always-On Cybersecurity Defences

Jera can implement a security network to give you complete protection, including endpoint safeguards.

Reducing Business

Our array of software, monitoring, security alerts and advanced security shields filter spam content away from your communications, including malicious links and unverified emails.

Operate With

Working with Jera removes the stress and concern over a potential security breach and ensures you and your colleagues can focus on what matters most.

Selecting the best IT security strategy

IT security can be a business-critical issue, but selecting the right systems, software and monitoring services can be complex for busy owners. Jera can advise on the ideal components to shield every aspect of your networks, systems and devices, with varied security packages to suit your budget, sector and primary risks.

The importance of powerful IT security

Where physical thefts were once the most pivotal financial threat to businesses, in an increasingly digitised climate, data, consumer information, banking details and confidential records are now the biggest currency in cybersecurity.

Protecting your business is essential, particularly where the way you work, sell, communicate, or trade has changed, ensuring that every transaction, record and piece of data is shielded against hacking attempts from whichever direction they emerge.

Protect your business from IT security threats

Schedule a

We’ll discuss the imminent or potential IT security threats most relevant to your business and explain our pricing packages and options.

Adapt Your Security

Our IT security consultants will adjust our proposal according to your requirements and existing IT infrastructure.

Proceed With Full IT Security

Jera will manage all the integrations, installations or monitoring necessary to get your reinforced IT security systems up and running quickly.


Why is IT security important?

It’s hard to ignore the fact that cyber attacks are on the rise; a study by Hiscox says that a small business in the UK gets hacked once every 19 seconds. As our technology gets smarter so do the methods that hackers use to break into our systems. So, it is more important than ever that you protect your digital assets. Having a strategy for your IT security protects your company from malicious threats and breaches. These breaches can have a huge impact on your organisation from downtime to loss of your staff and customers’ personal data.

Businesses have a responsibility to their staff and customers to ensure the technology they are using to process and store their data is safe and secure. Failure to do so can result in hefty fines alongside losses in time, money, and reputation. For some companies, the reputational fall out from failing to protect themselves from a cyber attack is impossible to overcome. You can read more about IT security in our blog.

How can we help you with your IT security?

When it comes to IT security, having the right knowledge, equipment and experience is key. Some organisations might be lucky enough to have this in-house, but if you don’t, you’ll need to think about working with someone to ensure your systems remain secure. Even if you have a dedicated internal IT security person or team, you might still need additional support. That’s why we offer a bespoke service so you can cover what you need without paying for things you don’t.

Our bespoke IT security services cover the following:

  • Network security solutions including cyber security strategy, data security and penetration testing
    Firewall and content filtering solutions
  • Spam protection and cloud security
  • IT security and cyber security awareness training
  • Phishing simulation emails

How are we different to other IT security providers?

Unlike other providers in Glasgow and Edinburgh, we want to provide the right level of protection for your business, not the business down the road, or the one we worked with last week. Each and every one of our customers is unique, so the security you need will be too.

With the potential threats constantly evolving, your security solution will need to go beyond IT. We will work closely with you to understand your business and help you to put strategies and procedures in place to work alongside your systems, offering you lasting security.

We also offer cyber security awareness training to your staff, so that your whole team are aware of the dangers and how to protect themselves and your business.

What IT security services do we offer?

We offer a wide range of IT security solutions, so you can choose from a full package covering your complete IT security or pick and choose just the things you need.

Our services cover:

  • Network Security Solutions

We will work with you to ensure that your systems are protected from a potential attack. Our network security solutions include cyber security strategy, data security and penetration testing. Having a clear and effective strategy for your IT security means taking a proactive approach instead of having to react and repair the damage when an attack occurs.

  • Firewall and content filtering solutions

Firewalls and content filtering are essential for any business to ensure your technology is not exposed to dangerous malware or inappropriate content. There are many options out there, so we can help you find the right level of protection for your business.

  • Spam protection and cloud security

At best spam is annoying, at worst it can contain viruses that it can be hard to repair the damage from. Using spam protection avoids spam reaching your inboxes at all. If you use cloud-based systems and infrastructure, it is essential that you also have the systems in place to protect them. We can help you ensure your cloud-based systems run smoothly and securely.

  • IT security and cyber security awareness training

Whatever the size of your organisation, it is important that your staff understand the potential online dangers and how to protect themselves against them. Our awareness training will help your staff to know what to look out for and what not to do when working online.

  • Phishing simulation emails

Our phishing security test can be used to assess how susceptible your organisation is to a phishing attempt. You can use the results of the test to address any areas of weakness and educate staff to avoid a real attempt in the future.

Why should you choose us for your IT security?

  • Care – we care about finding the right IT security solution for you. We want you to have a bespoke service that provides the exact level of security you need.
  • Transparency – we believe in being open and transparent with our customers. If you are going to trust us with your security, you need to be able to trust us as a business.
  • Understanding – we work closely with you to understand your business and use this knowledge to develop a strategy for the long-term security of your systems and technology.

What makes us a leading provider of IT security in Glasgow and Edinburgh?

  • Our knowledge and years of expertise means we can ensure your technology and systems are protected by the most up-to-date and innovative security solutions.
  • We offer the flexibility to choose the services and level of security you need for your business.
  • We are active members of HTG IT support peer group. This enables us to benchmark our services, stay ahead of the curve and identify ways to continuously improve our services.
  • Ensuring our customers’ IT remains secure is always a top priority for us, which means you can focus on other areas of your business.
  • We offer 24/7 support, so there is always someone here to help whenever you need them.
  • We have been operating since 2003 and have a portfolio of clients who recognise the difference we have made to their businesses.

What does an IT security provider do?

As your security provider we would work with you to access the needs of your business and look at any current security strategies already in place. It might be that you already have a clear idea of what you need or maybe you don’t know where to start, either way we will ensure you get the security you need for your organisation. The technology and systems you use will all have an impact on your security so these will also be considered. It may be that we work with you to devise a clear strategy for moving forwards or work to implement the strategy that you have already. A good security provider will become like an extension of your own team.

What are the benefits of outsourcing your IT security?

Hackers adapt quickly to find ways around ever-evolving security technology, so IT security is not just something that you can mark off your to do list and leave to tick over. It needs to be monitored regularly and assessed to ensure it is compliant, up-to-date, and robust. Keeping up with the latest security information and technology can be hard if it is not your area of expertise or your full-time job. Outsourcing your IT security means that you can rest assured that your business and data is protected, while you focus on other things. By relying on the experts, you can benefit from their extensive knowledge and up-to-date information for optimum security.

Do you have to outsource all your IT security?

If you are lucky enough to have a team focused on IT, then it may be that you have a lot of your IT security already covered. If that’s the case, you might want to pick and choose services to cover the gaps. That is why we offer a bespoke service, so that you can find exactly the sort of support you need.

How do you pick the right IT security provider?

Each organisation will have a different wish list for their security provider. However, if you are handing over your security, you want to make sure you are working with a provider that you trust and who understands what your business needs.

Are we GDPR compliant?

IT security providers should be open and honest about their compliance to the GDPR. It is important to check this carefully, otherwise you may leave yourself vulnerable to fines if they turn out not to be compliant. We take the data protection of our staff and customers seriously and are fully GDPR compliant. You can find our Privacy Notice linked at the bottom of this page!

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The new system and handsets are great, and on the Wifi front Jera IT have installed an open network for customer use, and a second secure network for pop-up retailers. The project has been very successful with both aspects now up and running well. Jera IT were always on hand to sort things out and offer us options on how we could adapt things to suit the way our business works. We would definitely recommend the...

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Jera IT oversee all IT infrastructure and are extremely proactive in suggesting innovations to keep us ahead of the game. I get lots of calls from IT companies offering their services, but Jera IT has become part of RZ Group, and we’d never switch to another provider. They’re evolving too, with new people adding their expertise to the team, and we know we can trust Jera IT to get the job done.

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