Future-Proof Your IT Infrastructure with Containerisation

Future Proof Droplet Container
In the world of IT and Cyber Security, innovation sprints rather than strolls. One minute, you’re completely on top of your game, your strategy incorporates all of the latest updates and releases from your software providers, your team is trained and comfortable, and the accountants are delighted you’re within budget. Then the dreaded update emails start coming in.

Suddenly the brand-new solution you’ve bought and trained on has been updated or even replaced and reimagined. You resign yourself to paying for upgrades and learning new software, your staff members start calling in sick, and the accountants sit in the corner, angrily sharpening their pencils and muttering at you.



droplet containerisation

If only there was an easy solution to all this mess, we hear you cry in anguish. Well quit your crying, because in this blog, we delve into the crucial concept of future-proofing your IT infrastructure. We’ll also focus on how containers, particularly those offered by Droplet Computing, have emerged as the linchpin in this strategic approach.

As businesses navigate the ever-changing currents of technology, the role of containers has become increasingly pivotal in ensuring adaptability, scalability, and security. So, let’s embark on a journey to understand why and how containers are shaping the future of IT infrastructure, safeguarding businesses against the unpredictable twists and turns of the digital era.

The Importance of Future Proofing

In the intricate dance between business and tech, the only constant is change. Evolution in the digital world is relentless, and IT managers are faced with a choice: Update your software or continue with legacy versions and programmes.

Futureproofing at its core means making deliberate choices today in order to minimise the risks and challenges of the future. Ensuring you future proof your IT infrastructure will save you numerous headaches in the future.

By not embracing a future proof strategy you run the risk of:

  1. Technological Obsolescence
    Falling behind in technological advancement, resulting in outdated systems and software. This can lead to reduced competitiveness if your competition decides to throw money at the latest cutting-edge changes.
  2. Security Vulnerabilities
    Unsupported software and aging systems become vulnerable to cyber threats, leading to an increased likelihood of data breaches and cyber-attacks.
  3. Limited Scalability
    An inability to scale operations with efficiently to meet growing demands can lead to stunted business growth and missed opportunities.
  4. Compatibility Issues
    If you’re still using windows 7, you won’t be able to take advantage of many modern technologies, severely limiting your ability to be innovative.

Seems like a lot to get your head round at first, and for many, future-proofing by constantly updating and changing software on a whim just isn’t viable. Well, what if we told you that you could keep the software you and your team love, whilst remaining cyber secure? Allow us to introduce you to the power of containerisation!

Understanding Containers: Unlocking the Power of Containerisation

At the heart of future-proofing lies the transformative power of containerisation. But just what is a container. In its simplest terms, containers function as encapsulated environments that carry everything your applications need to run seamlessly. Like a magic box in which all your apps can function. Unlike traditional methods, where each application has its unique set of requirements, containers carry their entire universe with them. This consistency and portability across various environments make containers a game-changer in the world of IT infrastructure. Whether you have staff working from home, staff hot-desking or just generally can’t get out of the Windows 7 world, containerisation might be just what you need!

The benefits of containers include:

Consistency and Portability:

  • Okay, think of your favourite old book. You love it, but it’s a bit delicate, and you want to be sure it stays the same no matter where you read it – at home, at a friend’s place, or even at a cosy café. Now, imagine your business has some old but important apps, like that cherished book. Here’s where containers come in.
  • Containers act like special book covers that keep everything together. So, whether your team is working from the office, from home, or from the local coffee shop, these containers make sure those old apps work just as they should. It’s like having a reliable bookmark that ensures everyone sees the same page, no matter where they are. Containerisation not only gives peace of mind to businesses using these apps but also makes working from home a breeze, ensuring a smooth and consistent experience for everyone on the team.

Efficiency and Resource Optimisation:

  • Containers share the host system’s kernel, making them incredibly lightweight and efficient. This allows optimal resource utilisation, enabling more containers to run on a single machine without sacrificing performance.

Rapid Deployment and Scaling:

  • Think of your server as a pub, and containers are like versatile tables, that can appear and disappear in seconds (that’s starting or stopping containers). So, when there’s suddenly a rush of people thirsty for a pint (traffic spikes), more tables appear to accommodate everyone. And when it’s a quiet time (lulls), unnecessary tables disappear, creating a more easy going, quiet pub.
  • This magical disappearing and appearing act is like having a pub that adjusts instantly to the number of inhabitants. Similarly, containerisation lets your server swiftly adapt to busy or slow times, ensuring it always runs efficiently – like a city that seamlessly accommodates its residents, no matter how many people are around.


Easy Maintenance and Updates:

Imagine your server is like a busy office, and containers are like neat, individual workstations. Now, these workstations are special – they can be moved around without disrupting the whole office (that’s separating the application from the infrastructure). So, when it’s time to rearrange things or update equipment, you can move a workstation without affecting the entire office.

This clever separation makes maintenance a breeze. It’s like fixing a desk without everyone else having to stop working. So, in the server world, containers make sure that tweaking or updating one part doesn’t cause a big office-wide shut down. Containerisation keeps everything running smoothly, just like a well-organized office with minimal disruptions.


Droplet Containers: A Solution for Today and Tomorrow

Now that we’ve (hopefully) displayed to you the advantage of containerisation, allow us to make an informed recommendation. Droplet container software has emerged as a beacon of innovation in the container space. Droplet containers offer a comprehensive set of built-in technical controls that address the challenges of legacy systems, security, and scalability. Droplet’s flat subscription fee model provides cost-effective flexibility, allowing businesses to install as many apps as needed without breaking the bank.

Cyber Essentials Plus in a Snap

Another huge advantage offered by containerisation with the Droplet container solution. Droplet’s NeverTrust containers come fully equipped with all the cybersecurity features you need to meet certifications like Cyber Essentials Plus. The impenetrable layer of security around applications ensures compliance and protects against evolving cyber threats.



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Why Wait? Let’s Make IT Happen!

Are you ready to future-proof your IT infrastructure and experience the benefits of containers? Schedule a live demo with our tech experts or join our upcoming webinar to dive deeper into the Droplet revolution. Don’t let outdated tech and cyber threats hinder your progress. Contact us today, and let’s build your IT fortress with Droplet Containers!

Go to sleep soundly, knowing that your business is protected with Jera.

If you need help getting the following requirements up and running, contact us here at Jera. We can help you achieve the cybersecurity standards you need for cybersecurity insurance.