How to Develop an IT Strategy that Aligns with Your Business Goals

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How to Develop an IT Strategy that Aligns with Your Business Goals

A guide for small and medium-sized businesses by Jera IT

If you are a small or medium-sized business owner, you might be wondering how to develop an IT strategy that aligns with your business goals. You might have some IT systems and tools in place, but are they really helping you achieve your desired outcomes? Or are they causing you more problems than solutions?

An IT strategy is not just about having the latest technology or software. It is about having a clear vision, plan, and roadmap for how you will use IT to support your business objectives, such as increasing your revenue, reducing your costs, improving your customer satisfaction, or enhancing your competitive advantage. An IT strategy is also about ensuring that your IT systems and tools are secure, reliable, and efficient, and that they can adapt to the changing needs and expectations of your customers, employees, and stakeholders.

Developing an IT strategy can be a daunting task, especially if you don’t have the time, expertise, or resources to do it yourself. That’s why you might want to consider hiring a professional IT partner, such as Jera IT, to help you with your IT strategy. Jera IT is a Scottish IT company that offers a range of services to help businesses of all sizes and sectors achieve their goals. We have over 20 years of experience in providing IT support, IT security, and IT strategy solutions to our clients. We have a team of qualified, certified, and friendly IT experts who are ready to assist you.

In this blog post, we will share with you some tips on how to develop an IT strategy that aligns with your business goals, based on our experience and expertise. We will also show you how Jera IT can help you with your IT strategy, and why you should choose us as your trusted IT partner.

How to develop an IT strategy that aligns with your business goals

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to developing an IT strategy, as every business is unique and has different needs and goals. However, there are some common steps that you can follow to create an effective IT strategy for your business. Here are some of them:

  • Define your business goals and vision. The first step is to clearly define what you want to achieve as a business, and what your vision is for the future. This will help you set the direction and scope of your IT strategy, and ensure that it supports your business strategy.
  • Analyse your current IT situation. The next step is to assess your current IT systems and tools, and identify their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. This will help you understand where you are now, and where you need to improve or change.
  • Identify your IT needs and gaps. The third step is to identify your IT needs and gaps, based on your business goals and vision, and your current IT situation. This will help you prioritise your IT initiatives, and allocate your IT resources and budget.
  • Choose your IT solutions and partners. The fourth step is to choose the best IT solutions and partners for your business, based on your IT needs and gaps, and your IT budget. This will help you implement your IT strategy, and achieve your desired outcomes.
  • Monitor and evaluate your IT performance. The final step is to monitor and evaluate your IT performance, and measure the impact of your IT strategy on your business goals and vision. This will help you track your progress, and adjust your IT strategy as needed.

These are some of the basic steps that you can follow to develop an IT strategy that aligns with your business goals. However, you might need more guidance and support to create and execute your IT strategy, especially if you are not familiar with the latest IT trends and technologies, or if you don’t have the time or resources to do it yourself. That’s where Jera IT can help you.

How Jera IT can help you with your IT strategy

Jera IT is a Scottish IT company that offers a range of services to help businesses of all sizes and sectors achieve their goals. We have over 20 years of experience in providing IT support, IT security, and IT strategy solutions to our clients. We have a team of qualified, certified, and friendly IT experts who are ready to assist you.

Our IT strategy services include:

  • IT project management: we can help you manage your IT projects from start to finish, ensuring their quality, scope, budget, and timeline.
  • IT consulting: we can advise you on the best IT solutions for your business, such as cloud, AI, IoT, and more.
  • IT training: we can train you and your staff on how to use your IT systems and tools effectively and efficiently.

Our IT strategy services are designed to help you achieve your business goals, whether they are to increase your revenue, reduce your costs, improve your customer satisfaction, or enhance your competitive advantage. We can help you align your IT strategy with your business strategy, and leverage the latest IT trends and technologies for your benefit.

Why you should choose Jera IT as your trusted IT partner

Choosing an IT services provider is an extremely important decision to make. It’s vital that your values and ours align in order to get the most from our partnership! Do you want a team with decades of experience and a proven pedigree of providing top notch support, or do you want a cheap knock off of Roy and Moss from the IT crowd?

At Jera IT, we have three core values that guide everything we do:

  • Tribe: All of us at Jera think of ourselves as one tribe. We share the same purpose and goal in providing the best technology solutions to our clients. Jera IT is a tight knit group of individuals who work together effectively as a team.
  • Relentless learning: We see personal growth to be just as important as business growth. We offer continuous training and development to ensure every team member is constantly growing their knowledge base in order to better themselves and our customer service.
  • Lean in: Above all else, we’re problem solvers. We don’t look to assign blame or dodge the difficult questions. When a problem arises we take accountability and lean in to the issue.

These are the values that make us different from other IT services providers, and that make us the best choice for your IT partner. We are not just a vendor, we are a partner. We care about your success, and we will go the extra mile to help you achieve it.

How to get started with Jera IT

If you are interested in working with Jera IT, and developing an IT strategy that aligns with your business goals, the easiest way to get started is to talk to one of our team today. You can call us on 0131 510 0100, or email us at We will be happy to answer your questions, and provide you with a free consultation and a quote.

As a bonus, we also have a special offer for you. If you contact us today, you will get:

  • A free vulnerability audit: we’ll scan your infrastructure and provide a risk report.
  • A free 2 hour consultation session to discuss your vulnerability report.
  • 3 months of free cyber security training: let’s turn your team into cyber security masterminds.
  • A 3 month backup of your Microsoft to keep you safe moving forward.
  • A free dark web scan to find any threats lurking towards your business on the dark web.
  • A full M365 security audit to make sure you’re set up for success.

This is a limited time offer, so don’t miss this opportunity to get the best IT services for your business. Contact us today, and let us help you grow your business with our IT support, security, and strategy.

Thank you for reading, and we hope to hear from you soon.