IT Solutions Edinburgh: Overcome 3 Common IT Issues

Our IT solutions Edinburgh services are just one part of the many vital areas your business can work with us to improve productivity, increase security, and reduce overall costs.

A forward-thinking, highly motivated company like Jera IT will take your business to the next level. 

Why does your business need IT Support? 

Technology plays a vital role in modern business.

Whether you have a handful of staff or are a global enterprise, you need to have suitable technological systems in place so that your team can get their jobs done and help your business do what it needs to. 

However, with so many technological solutions available, determining what’s best for your company is not always straightforward.

You need to have the appropriate technical experts in place – whether they’re internal workers or outsourced. 

Technology isn’t always perfect.

Sometimes bad things will happen, whether accidental, the result of software glitches or through cyber threats.

That’s why you need the right level of support in place.

Without IT solutions Edinburgh, your business could face severe problems down the line.

Here are reasons why your business needs IT support:

Why is IT Support Worth it?  

When you or your employees face an IT problem or aren’t sure how to approach a technical issue, your IT support should provide an easy to reach helpdesk and onsite or remote service as needed.  

1. Limit Downtime  

When you’re faced with IT problems, attempting to fix them yourself can lead to more extended periods of downtime for employees and customers.

Downtime means that employees cannot get their work done, and the entire office is at a standstill.

Your IT support specialist can almost always identify the problem faster than anyone else!

2. Keep Employees Focused

IT should be the job of one person: Your company’s IT professional.

Linda from marketing shouldn’t be handling your software updates, firewall and data backup.

Managed IT takes care of office service issues, allowing your employees to focus on the jobs that they were hired to do.  

3. Prevent Loss  

Data backups are the bare minimum your business should be doing to prevent loss.

With the rising number of data breaches, theft and viruses, protecting your data are more critical than ever.

An IT professional is kept abreast of changes and threats in the IT community and is thus better equipped to spot problems before they affect your business.  

Get the IT Support you need 

As an IT firm, we naturally take a stand on why we believe all organisations should have IT support.

If you’re thinking about changing your IT provider and want IT solutions Edinburgh, contact one of our IT specialists right away for a free consultation.