3 Ways to Use Technology With Purpose Within Your Business

What is the role of technology?

Simply put, it is to make our lives easier.

Therefore, business technology should have the sole purpose of making your work life easier.

Yet many companies still struggle to make use of technology in a way that fosters business growth!

Employees sometimes find themselves struggling to cope with the devices and applications they use in the office.

In this blog post, we discuss 3 ways to use technology with purpose – and the advantages this will bring to your organisation.

3 Ways To Use Technology With Purpose Within Your Business

1. Collaboration in real-time

In literally any business, collaboration is crucial and should be facilitated.

Luckily, technology has stepped up to the challenge and solutions such as Microsoft Office 365 are ideal for employees to collaborate on documents in real-time.

It makes sharing of documents much easier and also helps to eliminate the problem of keeping multiple version of the same document on different machines.

Real-time collaboration solutions have more great advantages:

    • It allows everyone involved to track progress
    • It enables documentation
    • It facilitates working between multiple offices or outside of the office as well.

2. Preventing rather than fixing

When we first talk to business owners, we notice many of them tend to think of technology within a break-fix framework.

However, this is not how your IT should perform.

When implemented correctly, your technology should be able to mostly prevent problems, rather than fixing them.

To achieve this, you must be mindful of the ‘behind the scene’ work that needs to take place: monitoring and maintenance, backup and disaster recovery solutions, etc.

All these need to be prioritised and allocated the right resources within your organisation, and you need to make sure they are done consistently and regularly within your company.

You will then experience increased business continuity and decrease employee frustration in your organisation as technology will ‘fail’ less often.

3. Strengthening your organisation

As we said in the beginning, technology is meant to improve our lives and one significant way it can do this is by preventing providing an extra layer of security for your business.

As cybercrime continues to grow, it’s estimated that nearly 70% of organisations are attacked within one year.

If no technology solution is set in place to block some of these attacks from the get-go, your staff would be inundated with these.

The chances of them actually falling in the trap would be significantly higher also.

Technology can help mitigate this risk firstly by blocking common attack attempts to begin with.

Block Common Attacks

In IT we refer to these as content filtering, spam protection and network security solutions. By collating data on previous cyber-attacks and using this to train employees on how to spot and block attacks that fall under the radar.

An IT security training program does exactly this: it trains users on what how to identify phishing attacks that bypass you normal network security solutions.

Considering that 91% of successful data breaches start with a spear-phishing attack – that’s not a bad use of technology at all!

At Jera we make it our main goal to implement technology with purpose both within our organisation, as well as in our clients’.

We recognise that different businesses have different needs and so we work to identify the best uses of technology to help you reach your business goals.

If you want to learn more about how IT can help support the growth of your organisation, why not take advantage of our free IT discovery workshop?

It will help you to:

    • Identify ways to increase your company’s efficiency
    • Align technology to your business goals, to enable growth across the organisations
    • Secure your business against cyber-threats
    • Plan and budget IT to meet you current and future business needs