Why your Business Demands a Security Audit

Preparing for the Future

In our modern-day and age, cyberattacks can seem like a thing of the past.

After all, we know so much more about the internet and security than we did ten years ago, right?

It’s actually more nuanced than that.

Though we do have more advanced technology than we once did, we also have to be on the lookout for new security risks.

As new technology is being developed, so are techniques to find vulnerabilities with it.

Because of this, keeping your organisation safe is about more than just using secure technology.

Keeping yourself genuinely safe is a matter of keeping up-to-date with the industry.

For many small businesses, that can seem like a daunting task.

How do you keep up with the tech industry when you might not even have an IT department?

This is where IT security audits come in.

If you’re a company that uses Microsoft 365 or just an organisation that stores data online, an IT audit can help you stay ahead of hackers by helping you understand precisely where you are vulnerable to attacks.

To get the most out of an audit, it’s essential to understand what the term means and how it relates to your organisation.

What Is a Security Audit?

Simply put, an IT audit is a way of testing your security system, whether it pertains to Microsoft 365 or something else.

This can mean several different things, but the goal is always to ensure that your organisation is as protected as possible from potential attacks.

An audit typically looks at your current security system to find any potential flaws or vulnerabilities within it.

This includes analysing any new software you’ve recently installed to ensure that it hasn’t introduced new flaws or complicated specific processes.

During this process, you can also learn about the efficiency of your current security training.

If your training is not covering some critical security topics, you’ll know exactly where you went wrong, and you’ll be able to adjust your practices accordingly.

An IT audit helps your organisation recognise and prepare for certain security risks and challenges to technological operations.

By identifying these vulnerabilities, you can learn about the developing industry and take advantage of new security opportunities.

An audit can also help you ensure that your security is adhering to proper regulations and industry standards.

How to Know If You Need an IT Audit

If you’re an organisation that uses Microsoft 365 or has digital resources, you should have regular audits.

In many organisations, this is typically the work of an IT department or a similar group of employees, but not everybody has those.

Does My Organisation Really Need One?

One of the biggest misconceptions about audits is that they are only things that larger organisations need to worry about.

The assumption is that you don’t need to necessarily worry, unless your organisation is dealing with large and complex security systems.

However, this isn’t true.

Cyber threats can target any part of an organisation.

Many security techniques sell you on the fact that they are secure, but software that was safe even last year may be unsafe in 2021.

This is because the industry is constantly changing, and cybercriminals are continuously developing new ways to exploit vulnerabilities in technology.

Think of it this way: if you have any part of your organisation with an online presence or has data stored somewhere, you are at risk.

It might seem like data is copious in our current day and age, and a breach might not cause a lot of harm, but this is not the case.

In fact, how data can be sold and manipulated in our contemporary world gives hackers and other types of cybercriminals plenty of incentive to find ways to steal data.

Given how rapidly the technology industry advances, there are new ways to breach security infrastructure being developed.

For this reason, IT audits help your organisation always stay ahead of the market and be as protected as possible.

Growth is Important

As an organisation, it’s beneficial to continue experimenting with new technology and improving upon previous practices.

As a result of this, it’s natural to expect to learn some things along the way.

If you can budget for regular IT audits, you can make sure that no stone is left unturned.

How Often Should My Organisation Have an IT Audit?

The frequency with which you have IT audits in your organisation depends on a variety of factors.

For example, an organisation that doesn’t do much work online might have a lower chance of needing a regular audit.

However, if your organisation is constantly updating software and business practices to accommodate the changing technology industry, it’s more likely that you will need more careful, regular attention.

If you have any questions about how IT audits apply to your security measures, we here at Jera can help you figure out the best plan for you and your company.

The Benefits of Audits

IT audits are standard practices for any organisation that have any type of digital presence.

Using IT audits provide organisations with many benefits that extend beyond just security.

For example, viruses often do much more than steal data.

They can slow your computers to a halt and sometimes render them completely unusable.

So, if you are ever a victim of a cyberattack, there’s also the possibility that you will also have to purchase new equipment if the situation gets particularly bad.

Having an IT audit can also be a great way to save money in the long run.

If you have a security breach, that can cost your organisation money, time, and potential legal action depending on local privacy laws.

It can also be costly to have experts come in urgently after a breach, so doing an IT audit can be an excellent way to protect yourself in advance.

IT audits can also help you save money by eliminating unnecessary precautions that you might be taking.

There is a common misconception that more security will always be the right option.

While it is true that more security is generally good, it’s also essential to make sure that the security is even effective in the first place.

With an IT audit, your organisation can compile an accurate assessment that helps you analyse what is working and what isn’t.

Often it is difficult to judge the efficiency of a security system until you actively try to find the holes in it.

Using an IT audit is a great way to do this, and when it’s complete, you’ll have a more objective view of how effective your organisation’s security measures are.

If you are an organisation that employs a company to secure your data, there is always the possibility that they are not as efficient as you think.

IT audits can help you understand the reality of your situation and figure out if you’re getting your money’s worth.

Possibly the most important benefit of regular IT audits is the trust you will build with customers.

When a security breach happens, there is the potential for an organisation’s reputation to be damaged.

Even if the organisation does everything that they can to make things right with customers, there is always the possibility that people would prefer to work with organisations where their information has never been compromised.

These types of situations can really make an impact and affect your place in the competitive market.

With an IT audit, you can make sure that you never have to worry about losing the trust of your clients.

Modern Times Require Modern Solutions

As technology continues to develop, we will also have to continue developing our approaches to cybersecurity.

This is why it is crucial to work with trusted experts to be prepared for any potential cyberattacks.

With audits, you can make sure to patch up any holes in your company’s security so you can expect the unexpected.

If you need help getting a security audit, just send us a message!

We specialise in helping organisations navigate the complicated world of cybersecurity.

With help from Jera, you can be sure that you will not only have an efficient IT audit but that you will be able to apply the results directly to your organisation to make it more secure than ever!